Ça risque d'être chaud de trouver un encodeur qui accepte d'essayer de descendre à 125 bps, mais c'est une super idée ! :D
17 mars 2015 à 15:35
[Ignore, j'ai les doigts carrées].
Dernière modification le 17/03/15 à 15:36 par Linschn
17 mars 2015 à 15:35
Merci pour l'idée :
url : https://soundcloud.com/linschn/goodluck
Dear secret s.
I wish you success in your endeavour. I truly do. Who wouldn't want to be able to store or transmit information at less than 1/100th of the cost silly people like Shannon said was necessary ? I certainly would.
I can't wait until Netflix streams HD content to my parent's house, given that they only have ~300kbps link. Imagine that ! It's more than 2000 times what you need to transmit audio !
Why haven't you come 20 years earlier ? Do you know how long I had to wait for pictures to load on my old 33kbps link ? Had you been there I could have downloaded two or three internets in a matter of hours.
Anyway I digress. Attached is a mp3 file of me wishing you good luck. I encoded it a 8 kbps (that is 64 times the rate you propose to use), because the encoder I used could not use a lower setting. I hope you'll be amazed by the audio quality.
Please keep me posted on how you progress. Failing that, I'll just stay tuned for the next Turing award announcement.
P.S. More seriously, though, if you tell me what you actually are trying to achieve, I can help you find a realistic way to do it.
Dernière modification le 17/03/15 à 16:00 par Linschn
17 mars 2015 à 16:00
Linschn a écrit
Thank you for your honesty. I can tell you do not want to be part of the team that does imposible things. When we succeed you will regret your decision.
Unfortunatly, working on my Time Machine is really too time consuming for me to join you right now. However, once I succeed, I'll be able to come back here in 2015 and join teh awesome Pr0ject 0nE. I just can't lose.
17 mars 2015 à 16:30
Il a répondu !
Shannon is correct about voice. So only transmit the speech and timing then recreate the amplitude and pitch at the receiver by sending them only once before the transmission.
Mouais, ça peut être fait e.g. avec du deep learning : avec un autoencodeur (un réseau de neurone qui apprend à recopier sur la sortie ce qu'on lui donne en entrée) dont la couche du milieu ne contient qu'un petit nombre de neurones, y'aurait moyen de ne transmettre que la valeur des neurones du milieu. Mais c'est pas un projet qu'on balance sur eLance, c'est un projet digne d'un vrai labo, avec plusieurs publis à la clef.
Je viens de fair une passe ultra rapide sur la biblio, y'a aussi des méthodes non neuronales, mais les débits sont bien supérieurs à ses 125bps.
Je vais essayer de le récupérer, avec un peu de chance j'arriverai à placer la Time Machine.
17 mars 2015 à 16:56
J'ai appris un truc grâce à lui :
"A cepstrum(/ˈkɛpstrəmˈˌˈsɛpstrəmˈ/) is the result of taking the Inverse Fourier transform (IFT) of the logarithm of the estimated spectrum of a signal."
Je croyais que c'était spectrum mal écrit.
17 mars 2015 à 17:03
Je viens de lui répondre :
Now we are getting somewhere !
Did you do a survey of the literature on this ?
What is the state of the art lower bound on bandwidth to be able to reconstruct speech ?
What learning techniques do you want to use to construct the encoder/deencoder ? And, related, what description of speech do you want to use ?
A cursory google scholar search points to "mel frequency cepstral coefficients" and pitch frequencies. Is that what you had in mind ?
Have you thought about deep learning ? An autoencoder with a small intermediate layer may reduce bandwidth usage.
Do you have a training set of speech sequences ?
If you don't have the answer to these questions. I can help you find the answers.
17 mars 2015 à 17:04
I know what needs to be done and I am looking for someone to do it. You sound like you want to tell me to do something else. You don't want to be part of the team. You don't want to do it my way. The only things left is that you don't have any ability to make code. But you believe I am wrong. Really?
Faut que je file donner un cours d'"internet" dans l'asso de mon quartier. Je lui répondrai en revenant. Il est très bon, ça serait bien de la jouer repentant pour le faire tenir un peu longtemps sans trop le fâcher.
Dernière modification le 17/03/15 à 17:52 par Linschn
17 mars 2015 à 17:52
Spa gentil, tu vois bien que c'est un enfant...
17 mars 2015 à 18:09
T'as raison Gingembre. J'me suis excusé. J'espère qu'il m'en voudra pas trop.
I'll do it sideways if you pay me to.
I was just looking out for you. It is very surprising to me that somebody would be looking for help on elance for a project that would, at the very least, warrant a publication in Nature if it succeeds.
If you tell me that you know what you are doing, who am I to doubt you ? I'll be a paid part of your team on a heartbeat. I'm a freelancer, a mercenary. I'll be your tactical weapon on this project.
I'd like to apologize about any hesitation I may have expressed about this project. I was trying to warn you about possible shortcomings of your vision. But you are sure of yourself, which means you have thought about this a lot, and you are not doing things on a whim.
I'll follow you. I'll code what to tell me to code. I'll implement your protocol, we'll do it your way. I'll have the satisfaction of pushing boundaries, and tackle a real problem. Let's do it !
Dernière modification le 17/03/15 à 21:47 par Linschn
17 mars 2015 à 21:47
You have to prove to me and the rest of the team that you know how to write code and follow directions. Submit a bid of $1 on Project One and I will give you a chance. All members of the team have to completed Project One before being allowed to bid on any of other 25 projects. The total project is real time based. For example Project Three will have 16 FIR audio filters running constantly almost in parralle.
So now you know what it feels like to be insulted. Make me you best offer for Project One. Remember this is a open source project and I will be paying you as an individual not a business.
Je suis tombé sur Grey. He doesn't do romance. J'espère que j'aurai la chance d'avoir le droit de travailler pour lui.
Blague à part, je vais arrêter là avec ce clown, il vient de montrer son vrai visage : il faut bosser gratuitement.
18 mars 2015 à 09:03
Oui,on se doutait un peu que c'était là où il voulait arriver ;)
Je suis sur que ça marche en plus...
18 mars 2015 à 09:30
kaplan a écrit)
Je suis sur que ça marche en plus...
J'ai dû me prostituer sur mes deux premier projets, pour obtenir une évaluation. Ensuite ça va beaucoup mieux, mais se faire engager quand on a pas de feedback c'est mission impossible.
Il me relance, en plus :
So the open sourced scared you off. Did you really think you would get rich from what you contributed? My name is secret. Your name will be on the team. Others may want people who have changed the world in the future for other projects. Are you sure you don't want to be on the team?
secret spftware
18 mars 2015 à 14:57
Mince au début j'ai cru que j'étais sur le topic spam :x
Mais non, pas -assez- de fautes.
19 mars 2015 à 02:24
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