Bon c'est un film avec de longues tirades alors j'ai mis un gros bout :
- All them farmers want is a quickie handjob and boom !...10 $...Get back on their tractors, save the real fucking for the sheep.
- Find a new angle and you might attract a higher clientele.
- Well, i've been thinking about that. I was thinking about something spacey like that star wars shit. You know, them losers wanna fuck princess leia, right ?
- I don't know, you start messing with that spacey shit, and you'll really bring out some sick bitches. They all wanting to pretend they're robots. Last thing I need is horny robots running around, tripping over shit.
- Droids... boss, they call'em droids.
- Whatever. I still say it's risky.
Alors c'est quoi ?
Dernière modification le 03/04/06 à 02:47 par Swan